Principles and Practices of Vaishnavism
Vaishnavism is a religion focused on bhakti, or fervent devotion to God. This dedication serves as the foundation for liberty and immortality. According to Vaishnavism, it is impossible to know God through reason or argument. To know God, the mind must be cleansed through bhakti. Only then will we be able to experience the joy of God's vision. The religion adheres to the Vedas and acknowledges Vishnu as the greatest divinity. Vaishnavism also recognizes Vishnu's various avatars, including Rama and Krishna. Vaishnavism does not recognize other gods in the Vedas since they are considered devas. However, Vishnu considers Shiva to be his subordinate. He is superior to all other living things. The Vaishnava religion emphasizes virtue as well. This religion teaches its adherents to be excellent human beings, emphasizing the characteristics of compassion, purity, and humility. Vaishnavas believe in ahimsa, which means nonviolence. They are told to follow these ideas through the dha...